Cognitive and Neurodevelopment


Brain Training

Visual Perception and Memory 

We are interested in understanding the neural mechanisms supporting the development of social cognition that shape how neurotypical and neurodivergent children and adolescents socialize. To do this, measure brain synchronization in contexts that mimic real-world experiences, such as while watching movies, and real-time social interactions. 

The brain and the cognitive abilities it supports undergo a protracted period of  change from early childhood into adolescence. Our group is interested in examining the lifestyle and demographic factors that influence the changes to the structure and function of the brain and the maturation of various cognitive abilities. 

The notion of brain training is appealing - improving working memory capacity can enhance general cognitive abilities. However, brain training remains highly contentious. We are interested in determining whether brain training improves cognition and the potential neural mechanisms that either support or hinder this improvement. In doing so, we hope to discover alternative means that help maintain and improve cognition across the lifespan. 

Sleep is crucial for healthy cognitive functioning. We are interested in examining the link between sleep behaviour and cognition, and how sleep contributes to the development of various cognitive abilities. Various cognitive processes are also active during sleep, for example while dreaming. We are also interested in determining which aspects of cognition are active and how they may help us processes the external world while sleeping.

There is more information in the world than we can process at any given moment. We are interested in how attention, memory and perception interact to create a rich and coherent experience of our surroundings by selecting information that is most relevant while ignoring everything else.

Shared Social Experiences 

Developmental Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab


Developmental Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab